Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Skin Care Myths!

We’ve all heard it: French fries cause acne. What?! Nothing could be further from the truth! In this post, I debunk some of the common (and sometimes dangerous) skin care myths.

Myth #1:
You have oily skin, so you can’t use a moisturizer.
False! For our oily skinned sisters, balance is key. Our skin naturally produces oil for lubrication. But when you have oily skin, that production is always in overdrive. Trust me. I know! I used to always avoid the use of moisturizers because I thought, “I have enough moisture. I don’t need anymore!”. False again. Actually, when your skin is not adequately moisturized (meaning water content) or dehydrated, it will try to correct the problem itself and produce MORE oil! Ugh!

Something that I always tell oily-skinned people to remember is, your skin is oily. It was always oily, and it will always be oily. You will NEVER be able to change your skin type. However, you can help minimize some of the slickness by giving your skin what it craves – moisture. Stick with an oil-free, non-comedogenic formula and use it twice a day. You’re still going to have some shine, but over time, the total grease factor should decrease. Besides, we oily skinned beauties age beautifully!

Myth #2
You don’t wash your face enough. That is why you have acne.
Ummm, excuse me?! Did you just say I don’t clean myself enough? Now, we got beef! Acne is a skin disorder, mostly triggered by hormonal issues. Nothing more. Nothing less. It has very little to do with how often, or how vigorously, you wash your face. In fact, washing acne-prone skin too often will almost always lead to more breakouts (and oilier skin). The key to acne is keeping your pores clean and free of debris. When you have pores clogged with dirt, oil, old makeup and sweat, breakouts will follow. Try cleansing your skin with a mild cleanser morning and night and follow with a salicylic acid product at night. Salicylic acid is great for gentle, gradual exfoliation. It is also really good at cleaning out clogged pores. Benzoyl Peroxide is another favorite ingredient of mine. Use it on an active pimple to help kill the bacteria that has set up residence on your face. Be careful with this product though. It can be extremely drying. A moisturizer 

Myth #3
Sweets & fried foods cause breakouts.
There are two things a large order of curly fries, 20 piece wing dings, and a 20 oz Coke will not do:  help you win the Beyonce look-a-like contest and cause you to get a pimple. Pimples and acne are caused by bacteria and abnormal cell division, not Big Macs with extra Mac sauce. The idea behind this myth is that an overall healthy diet, full of fresh green vegetables, fruit and mega doses of clean water daily will help you to become a healthier person, period, thus making your skin, hair, nails, etc. healthier in the process.

Myth #4
Women of color don’t get sunburn or skin cancer.
Please, please, please stop spreading this dangerously untrue information. While it is true that people of color are less likely to get skin cancer, when we do, we are more likely to die from it. This is the same deadly disease that took the life of Reggae legend, Bob Marley. Many people don’t realize that it takes years (and I mean 20, 30 years) for sun damage to appear on anyone, and usually by the time it appears on us chocolate skinned beauties, it’s far too late. I could go on and on about the dangers of UVA and UVB rays but suffice it to say, a broad-spectrum (meaning it protection against UVA and UVB rays) is a daily necessity. Make it a habit now to begin examining your skin monthly for new spots or moles that maybe were not there the previous month.

Have you heard any skin care advice that you later found out to be a myth? Tell us below!

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